- Sales Forecaster™ is the product within the Enterprise Series™ that enables the entry, maintenance, and analysis of sales forecasts.
- Sales Forecaster™ provides forecast management at the customer level for all salespersons, at the salesperson level for all customers, at the product level for all customers/salespersons, or any combination thereof. Each forecast is given a unique number with a revision suffix. The forecast may be automatically populated form prior period actual sales.
- Sales Forecaster provides the user the opportunity to forecast at the style level with period-based adjustments to color and size distribution spreads. Each revision made to a forecast is sequentially numbered and stored in the history database for analysis. The system recognizes a global lock down date structure that prohibits changes to current period forecast as of a user-defined date.
- Sales Forecaster™ provides demand to Pro Plan™ to be used in determining resource time-phased supply quantities. It also integrates with Messenger™ for automatic user prompting of exceptional conditions detected that impact sales forecast, like new color additions, and size scale changes.
Business Functions:
Automatic Build From Prior Year Performance
Matrix Maintenance of Color and Size Spread
Select/Un-Select For Pro Plan™
Current Year/Prior Year Running Comparatives
Revision History
Time Period Lock-Down Date
Messenger™ Automatic Prompting